Speaking Engagement
ABA 73rd Annual Section of Antitrust Law Spring Meeting
April 2, 2025
Washington, DC
Axinn partners Lisl Dunlop, Leslie Overton, and Craig Minerva will speak at the American Bar Association’s 73rd Annual Section of Antitrust Law Spring Meeting, being held April 2-4 in Washington, DC.
On April 2, Lisl will serve as session chair and moderator for the "Pharma Under the Antitrust Microscope" panel. As agency investigations and new merger guidelines continue to focus antitrust on the pharmaceutical ecosystem, panelists will discuss legal and economic aspects of newer, less explored antitrust theories such as alleged harm from reduced innovation, bundled rebates, inappropriate patent listings, and self-preferencing PBM practices.
On April 2, Leslie will speak on the "Bridging Moats: Targeting Monopoly Entrenchment" panel. The FTC, DOJ, European Commission, and CMA have focused on monopolists’ exclusionary tactics such as “moat-building” and entrenchment. Panelists will discuss recent enforcement actions to understand the trends in U.S., EU, and UK approach to monopoly entrenchment and moat-building.
On April 3, Craig will serve as session chair and moderator for the "Has Competition in the U.S. Been Declining?" panel. Many believe that the U.S. economy has suffered from widespread decline in competitiveness, measured by increasing concentration or markups. Panelists will discuss what the empirical evidence shows, and what the implications are for antitrust policy.
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